Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Any make up tips for me (pics)?

I need a few tips on what colour's would suit me best for eyeshadow's and lipsticks/ glosses? any suggestions?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>Any make up tips for me (pics)?
Tone down the use of bronzer, as it can make any face look flat with less definition.

Use a dark (maroon, brown, etc) blush on the cheekbones. This will give your cheeks and chin more definition and add to the natural beauty of your face shape.

Highlight your eyebrows (they have a lovely shape and arch but the hair is lighter) using a dark brown eyebrow pencil. Doing this will also help your eyes stand out.

Use a dark green eyeliner on your top lids heavily, making sure to smudge them and spread the color evenly. The dark green will subtly set off your eye color as well as open up your eyes making them seem bigger and fuller.

Curl your eyelashes very well with a curler and use a dark brown mascara (black looks much to harsh on most faces)

For your lips I would advise using a pale lip stain with a sparkly or shimmery lip gloss over it. The lip stain lasts much longer than a stick or gloss but the gloss over it will highlight your lips and make them look fuller.

You are beautiful! With or without make up :)Any make up tips for me (pics)?
Hi, you have a really lovely face, but the make up you are using now wears you, rather than you wearing it. Try browns, greens and golds on your eyes and a more peachy /tawny,blush to tone with your skin colour, be subtle with it though, ';less is more'; try the pinched lips look as per liv tyler, take a look on video jug, it explains how to get the liv tyler lips and many other make up tips! You are young and beautiful, make the most of it!
Keep it simple. You're naturally pretty and don't need so much. Just a little powder, no foundation. I use Bare Minerals Mineral Veil. Have a lighter hand when applying mascara, especially on your lower lashes. It looks clumpy and unnatural. And is that blue mascara? Use a brown/black or black. Appying a white liner on your underlid will make your eyes appear larger. Burgandy and red bring out green in eyes so remember that when dressing, putting on lipstick/gloss. Pink lipstick doesn't suit your coloring. Try a lip plumper if your thin lips bother you, but I don't think they are too too thin.

Play up your best features, beautiful green eyes and gorgeous hair!

Good answer, Sunny!
For brown hair and green eyes, neutral colors and purples would suit you best. You'll be surprised with how much a purple eyeshadow will make your green eyes pop. Almay makes a palette with eyeliner, shadow, and mascara for green eyes and it's a great palette. Try not to go so heavy with liner on your bottom lid though, and go a little heavier on the top lid with liner. Also, search youtube for instructional videos on styles that will fit with your hair and eye color.
To find out what colours really suit you need a colour wheel (just look one up on google images). The colour of your eyes for example, find the colour on the wheel then go across to the exact opposite of your colour and that is what colour eyeshadows you should use.

Aviod golds as you have quite a yellow undertone.

And definetly aviod that lip colour your using!

It definetly doesn't suit you,

go more natural!
theres no need to wear makeup. your beatiful.

you have a unique shape of eyes, so show it off, dont ruin it with the makeup. and dont use cover up or foundation, it makes you look discolored and fake. i dont know why so many people cake on makeup now adays =/

to me, if you use makeup, your just insecure and you dont like your features. i feel so much prettier without makeup on. and everyone complements my eyes and cheekbones, but when i wear eyeliner, people tell me not to because im hiding my beauty.

idk. just think about what i said because when your older, you will really regret wearing so much when you were younger. it brings on wrinkles and a saggy face so much quicker.
Well because you have darker hair and a semi-tan complexion, i would suggest using a light blonde/sand color for your base eye shadow. Then maybe the golds/darker shimmery brown family for your top coat. the eye liner is good. then put on a light bronzer after you do everything (but before mascara) that may take the orangey look that foundation can give you.
try putting a brown eyeliner on your lash line instead of your water line. it will emphasise your eyes more but if your going out somewhere nice use black. stick to black mascara. i think you could pull off a red lipstick, but dont go too bright all at once, build up to it.

if you wanna go natural with your brown eyeliner, put a highlighter power on your lips, it looks nice on people sometimes [ like a bronzer but pale]
You need browns and grays for eyeliner/ shadows and a gloss with some brown tones to it...more like burgundy. The colors you are wearing in the photos are for a fair skinned blonde, they aren't suiting you. Look for warmer colors. Olive green, burnt sienna, brown, charcoal etc. Hope this helps.
i just have to say i think you got amazing eyes!!

i think you should wear less make up because less is more and plus you have got loads of foundation on in that picture.

wear light colour eyeshadows such as soft gold or light brown as you want to show your eyes off as they are fab.
ok stop with the purple color eyeliner, and that lip gloss.

the eye shadows you should stick to neutral colors. like tans and browns. but bright eye shadow and color lip glosses do not suit you. and it wouldn't hurt to try some foundation or powder.
I think what you have done looks really nice. it has really played up your gorgeous eyes. I would use a darker lip tho. The light pink you used has just made your lips look thinner which is never good. I would invest in a darker shinier lip gloss that has a bit of a plumper in it!
well right now nudes colors are very in .. i also would lighten your hair it will make your face look soften for summer . you are a very pretty girl . ,,,,www.makeup411.co鈥?also that foundation is NOT right color you look orange unless its a spray tan ..good luck
yeah pinks would be good for you and i have a you tube video that can show you how to make your lips look full

btw thats not me so yeah

so idk if you like the size or whatever here you go.
Green eyes look good with berry color eyeshadows.

I think you should focus on your eyes, then keep the same blush you have, but do a more nude lip, because I don't like that pink on you. Plus it competes with the blush color
woww, orange much?

Stop tanning so much! Natural is best, and your tan looks UNnatural!

When you've stopped tanning, pale colours would suit you! but please stop wearing so much make-up, you're probably beautiful without it.

you have very pretty eyes...suggest you contact Coonobabe via email and have their experts give you the makeup advice you seek!!!! hope this helps. this is where I get my makeup and advice.
you are gorgeous!

you need to tone down the orange.

i would recomend smokey brown dark make up. no bright colours

nice pale rose colours for the lips and cheeks.

you're lovely, killer smile!
Bright colored lips like pink, red, purple, and stunning brown.

Tan, brown, natural colors for eyeshadow.
dont wear makeup honestly because it doesnt suit you but if not go for some lighter colours plus dont wear black eyeliner it takes away the natural beauty of your eyes!!!!!!!!!
I think a bit less overall, but keep the colors that you are already working with. Guys hate it when girls overdo the make up bit.

Hope this helps! =)
I don't know if you put something in your face or not, but your face look too shiny. Also are you naturally that dark? No one likes a chick with cancer or with wrinkles at 30
I think brown and plum colours would suit ur eyes but i dont know about lip gloss, i just always use clear and it works a treat :)
You have VERY nice Eyes. Try going for a darker color on the eyeliner, and your lips are fine may be a neutral color....and Try to not use blush.
It's either bad lighting or bad foundation/powder. You look orange. You have piled it on way too thick. Lay off it that's my tip for you.
you should wear gold shadow, but other than that your eyes look good. wear a deeper pink gloss or lipstick and maybe try a lip plumper
pink and pale colors will suit you the best...

take care,you are really nice.
mayb sum red lipstick. %26amp;eyeliner on the bottom tht matches ur eye color so ur eyes pop more!
put white powder all over your face and then put red on your cheecks...look like a clown. wait you already
use less makeup
mabye a light purple

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